
Bootstrap Toasts
For WordPress Websites

Bootstrap Toasts Or SnackBars use to display push up notification on WordPress websites. Either you are using Bootstrap 3 or Bootstrap 4, it is compatible with both. In case you are not using Bootstrap framework, you can still integrate this Plugin into your WordPress website. By installing this Plugin, you will be able to develop user-friendly interface.


Content Examples : You can add content like images, heading, paragraph, lists, YouTube, vimeo, self-hosted videos, icons etc. through WordPress Editor. As well as you can use ShortCodes of other Plugins like Woo-Commerce to display content in toasts.

ImageYouTubeVimeoSelf HostedShortCodeNotificationSnackBar 1SnackBar 2SnackBar 3SnackBar 4

Appears On : You Can Triggered A toast On - Click | Hover | On Page Load | On Page Leave | On Page Scroll. As well as you can also put value of delay showing and hiding the toast (ms).

OnPageLoadOnPageLeaveOnPageScrollOnMouseHoverOnButtonClickShow After DelayHide After Delay

Positions : Position to the toast - | Center | Left | Right | Top-Center | Top-Left | Top-Right | Bottom-Center | Bottom-Left | Bottom-Right |

Top LeftTop RightBottom LeftBottom Right

Border Radius : You can change border radius of toast by assigning value in pixels.

Border Radius NoneBorder Radius 8pxBorder Radius 16pxBorder Radius 32px

Shadow : You can show shadow behind the toast.

Box Shadow NoBox Shadow SmallBox Shadow NormalBox Shadow Large

Border : You can change border width and color of toast.

Border 0pxBorder 1pxBorder 4pxBorder 8px

Size : You can change size of a toast by changing "max-width" in pixels.


Unlimited toast Colors : You can change | Header Color | Body Color | Footer Color | Text Color | Buttons Color | Border Color | of a toast. There is no limit to choose colors, these are only some examples.


Animation Duration : You can change animation duration in milliseconds by just adding value manually. These are just examples, you can assign any time value.


Opacity : You can change opacity value of toast by using rgba() form of background colors.

How To Create ?