Show ShortcodeThis simple shortcode, generates the content below:
[restaurantmenu item_skin="rst-menu-item-skin-default" mode="tabs" count="5" desc_count="default" term_id="" desc_count="default" item_link_thumb_con_to="default" item_link_info_to="default" mode_tabs_aligment="two-columns"]
Show off the most important informations of your products to your customers. It comes preloaded with the premium plugin Zoom Ultibox - so you can show ingredients, tags and a small description of the product easily.
Importing your restaurant menu's into wordpress has never been easier. You can add them just like images, or videos in your wordpress post / page - via a button on top of the wordpress editor.
The posts themselves are added just like wordpress normal posts ( custom posts ) - and have categories and tags added to them so they can easily be found.
Want to display quick information to your customers about your products ? DZS Tooltip is here to help - it will show the most relevant info like description, tags, title, and ingredients
Mobile ready! Retina ready! Tested on iOS and Android 5.0+. Responsive from mobile to HD due to CSS 3 Media Queries. Retina ready due to use of font icons and no images. Scales to any dimension!
From mobile to HD, DZS Restaurant Menu are ultra responsive. Also has retina graphics.
Customize DZS Restaurant Menu with the many options included.
Built with SEO in mind, DZS Restaurant Menu parses html content into working magic.