Created: 14-Dec-2019
By: Salez Marketing
Buy From: Envato -
Thank you for purchasing my application. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!
"Manage WhatsApp Campaign" is an marketing software, which can be use to Manage your product and services whatsApp campaign in more easy and flexible way.
You can save and organize your campaign messages by different category wise.
On same application now you can save whatsApp contacts and arrange by different type of user groups,
such as, Retail customer, wholesale customer, bulk order customers etc.
This application for all type of individual whatsapp users, business, shops, resturent agents, school, teachers, e-commerce seller etc, who are using whatsapp.
Any Business, individuals, sales & marketing peoples, who want to send whatsapp messages to their customers from Web.
There is much more inside the application for you :)
Please make sure you must have installed "AccessDatabaseEngin" and Microsoft .net framework before this application.
For more detail, please check "Before_Installation" directory inside your package folder.
Please note: it is window based software and required win 7 or 10 to install.
Upload this file to your window server hosting.
ServerURL: Replace ServerURL string with your hosting ServerURL. (See as in picture next)If application License mode is activated, then system will ask for one time a registration key by showing the following form". (Until registration expire by date)
If you are administrator or re-seller, then your clients should send you their "system keys", so you can generator "Unique System Registration key" for each of them.
File path: ManageWhatsAppCampaign1.x\Applications\LicenseKeyGenerator
This software package also include a "License key generator", so you can generate unique registration key for your client's system users.
Please select the some future date and generate registration key.
Now you can send back this generated registration key to your client for application registration, and it should work now until license expire by date.
If you select the sending method "All WA contacts also saved in my mobile list" as shown in picture below, Please make sure you create one group with name "WACManager" on your mobile first.
To make a smooth sending process, Because this application support to send multiple messages to multiple contact. So after complete the sending process of 1st message to all contact, software will clean group history and again will forward 2nd message to all contact and so on for the all remaining messages.
So this is best way to have a default group without any contact member.
1) import_contact.csv
Template file that can be use to import contacts using csv file.
2) import_messages.csv
Template file that can be use to import messages using csv fle.
3) quick_import.csv
Template file that can be use to import messages with contact numbers in one same file and start campaign without save in application.
Please note: WhatsApp is a trademark of official WhatsApp Inc or to authorized by them.
This application or any part of this application is not endorsed or certified by official WhatsApp Inc. This is an unofficial utility enhancement for WhatsApp Web.
I'll not encourage any one to use this for spam purpose instead to use this as a communication tool to grow your business and services sale. I try my best to make it usable for you and keep maximum possible option to avoid any kind of contact blocking (like by adding time delay),
But in any case if any contact restricted/blocked/ban by official whatsapp Inc due to any reason, I will be not responsible for this.
Due to continuous improvement update in application, some screen maybe change in future as per shown in this document at this time.
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing Manage whatsapp campaign management software.
As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this application.
No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist as soon as possible.
If you have a more general question relating to the application, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.
Best Regards,