Bootstrap 5 Carousel Responsive JavaScript Plugin

If you are using Bootstrap in your new project then this plugin can be very helpful for you. This plugin enhances the functionality of Bootstrap Carousel, and makes it the equivalent of today's modern sliders and carousels. This plugin is fast, small in size and very easy to use.

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Drag Horizontally

Try To Drag Left Or Right. You can also try sticky drag here. This also works on mobile.

Drag Vertically

Try To Drag Up Or Down. This also works on mobile.

Swipe Horizontally

Try To Swipe Left Or Right. This also works on mobile.

Swipe Vertically

Try To Swipe Up Or Down. This also works on mobile.

Centred Mode - Horizontal

Try To Drag Or Swipe Left Or Right

Centred Mode - Vertical

Try To Drag Or Swipe Up Or Down

Scale Horizontal

You can increase or decrease scale value as well as partial view. Try To Drag Or Swipe Left Or Right

Scale Vertical

You can increase or decrease scale value as well as partial view. Try To Drag Or Swipe Up Or Down

CoverFlow Horizontal

You can increase or decrease partial view. Try To Drag Or Swipe Left Or Right

CoverFlow Vertical

You can increase or decrease partial view. Try To Drag Or Swipe Up Or Down

Rotate Horizontal

You can increase or decrease partial view. Try To Drag Or Swipe Left Or Right

Rotate Vertical

You can increase or decrease partial view. Try To Drag Or Swipe Up Or Down

Using Animations As Sliding Effect

You can use any animation for sliding animation just create new or use animation libraries. Try To Swipe Left Or Right

Fade Effect

Try To Swipe Left Or Right

Animate Layers

Animate text, images, icons etc. of slides with stunning animation effects. Slides change after layers animation ends. All the css animation libraries (like animate.css) are compatible with the plugin.

Thumbnails Horizontal - Absolute Position

You can set position of thumbnails top, bottom, left or right easily. Try To Drag Left Or Right. This also works on mobile.

Thumbnails Horizontal - Relative Position

You can set position of thumbnails top, bottom, left or right easily. Try To Drag Left Or Right. This also works on mobile.

Thumbnails Vertical Absolute Position

You can set position of thumbnails top, bottom, left or right easily. Try To Drag Left Or Right. This also works on mobile.

Thumbnails Vertical Absolute Position

You can set position of thumbnails top, bottom, left or right easily. Try To Drag Left Or Right. This also works on mobile.

Auto Height

Height will change according to the height of images. Try To Drag Left Or Right. This also works on mobile.


All slides will change on different time interval and cycle stops at the end slide.

Manual Play

Slide cycle will not play automatically until we changed first manually.

Stop Cycle

When cycle reaches on last it will stop the cycle.

Mousewheel Control

Try To Use Mousewheel.

Keyboard Control Horizontal

Click on me and then press tab key. Then Try To Use left & right keyboard arrow keys.

Keyboard Control Vertical

Click on me and then press tab key. Then Try To Use Up & Down keyboard arrow keys.

Pause On Hover

You can pause the cycling of the slider on mouseenter and resumes the cycling of the slider on mouseleave.

Slide Duration

You can set transition duration value for each slide.

Slide Transition Timing Function

You can also change the transition timing function.

Threshold Value

By setting the threshold you can set how far the user must swipe or drag before it is considered a swipe. Swipe or Drag at least 200px then will change.


You can easily change cursors.

Loading Bar

You can show loading bars for each slide and loading animation stops on mouse over and again start on mouse leave.

Indicators Loading Bars

You can show indicators of the carousel as animated bars.

Fraction Pagination

You can display slides numbers easily.

Sticky Mode

Try To Drag Left Or Right and hold again during sliding. This also works on mobile.