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Bootstrap 5 Carousel Responsive JavaScript Plugin

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0.Why do You Need to Use a Premium Plugin?
The free plugins are surely great when it comes to saving money. However, the premium plugins are the one, which helps in giving you peace of mind. It is because there are no compatibility issues at all. In addition to that, the premium assets are tested by the Envato team as well. Therefore, the quality of the plugins isn’t compromised at all, and there are no bugs or errors at all.
1.touch swipe and draggable
You would be amazed to know that we have made the Bootstrap 5 carousel draggable. No one else has made it possible except for SZThemes. The utilization of touchswipe.js has made the carousel draggable and their touch-swipe options available as well. Now, you can make your projects elegant by integrating this plugin.
2.multiple items
If you want to display products, videos, blog posts, testimonials and other visual assets, then this Bootstrap 5 carousel plugin is surely a great way out. The integration of this carousel into your project is quite easy, and there are no intricacies involved at all. There are draggable options available in the multiple items as well. The Bootstrap 5 carousel plugin could become your companion in accomplishing your projects.
3.Cover-flow Effect
The Cover-Flow effects were only a part of custom-made sliders, but we have advanced the functionality in Bootstrap by adding the effect in it as well. No one would have ever thought that the stylish effect could become a part of the Bootstrap 5 carousel. So now, brush away your worries and start developing your project with this Bootstrap 5 Carousel Responsive JavaScript Plugin.
4.Centered Slides option
The carousel also comes with advanced flexibility, and there is the option of centered slides. Now, displaying your products and other essential items in the centre of a page will let you uplift the user experience.
5.thumbnails Gallery
The thumbnail gallery feature allows you to get a more powerful slider for the thumbnail gallery. The adjustment of the thumbnail gallery comes with flexibility, and it can be placed at the bottom, top left and right. In addition to that, the position can also be relative and absolute. You would be able to craft breathtaking projects on the go with this Bootstrap 5 Carousel Responsive JavaScript Plugin.
6.thumbs navigation
The carousel also comes with thumb navigation, which is placed on the arrow buttons. The feature lets you make the projects look stunning and sensational. In addition, the integration of the advanced Bootstrap 5 carousel plugin lets you make your projects great enough.
7.mousewheel and keyboard
The Bootstrap 5 Carousel Responsive JavaScript Plugin gives you the scrollable feature. Now, there is a feature to scroll the slides with the mouse wheel. In addition, the slides are changeable through the arrow button on Keyboard.
The Bootstrap 5 carousel plugin is also compatible with Bootstrap 3 and 4. The plugin is also compatible with all mainstream browsers. The plugin won’t land you in any hassle, and the projects will be completed smoothly.
9layers animations
The Bootstrap was only able to animate a layer completely. However, we have moved ahead by animating each and every layer, be it text, image or whatsoever. The next slide won’t appear until the previous one has completed the animation by sliding in. We have used animate.css for animating the slides.
10.pre-built templates
We are providing 138+ premade slides for these templates. The nominal price of this plugin with this package stands it out from others. The designs are created by keeping in mind the user experience the aesthetic sense as well.
11.using data attributes
You can execute alteration by changing a single value in the HTML5 data attribute. Thus, there isn’t any need to write the code from scratch.
12.lightweight and fast
The size is also lightweight, which helps in loading the carousel at a faster rate. It also doesn’t have a negative impact on the animation. All the file sizes are minified for the ease of the user.