Downloaded Files And Folders

We are assuming you are already using Bootstrap js & css files, as well as jquery file in your project.

But if you are not using aforementioned files then please follow the guideline from Bootstrap's official website by clicking the following link.

1 - After downloading item from CodeCanyon you will find sz-slider folder in main zip file.


2 - Upload sz-slider folder on your website server, theme or App folders.


Include Files To Website Or App

After uploading sz-slider folder, you would have to include CSS and JS files to the website or app. You need to place all the files at the end of previously added css and js files.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


<link href="your/path/to/sz-slider/css/sz-slider.css" rel="stylesheet">



<script src="your/path/to/sz-slider/js/sz-slider.js"></script>

Bootstrap Version 5 - Basic HTML

After including CSS and JS files as we have already mentioned in above section. Use the following HTML mark-up in your project for basic slider.

<!-- Slider Wrapper -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-width="100%" data-height="auto">

    <!-- If we need indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators">
        <li data-bs-slide-to="0" data-bs-target="#mySliderId" class="active"></li>
        <li data-bs-slide-to="1" data-bs-target="#mySliderId"></li>
        <li data-bs-slide-to="2" data-bs-target="#mySliderId"></li>

    <!-- Slides Wrapper -->
    <div class="carousel-inner">

        <!-- Slide 1 -->
        <div class="carousel-item active">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

        <!-- Slide 2 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

        <!-- Slide 3 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.


    <!-- Left Button -->
    <a href="#mySliderId" class="carousel-control-btn carousel-control-prev">
        <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon"></span>

    <!-- Right Button -->
    <a href="#mySliderId" class="carousel-control-btn carousel-control-next">
        <span class="carousel-control-next-icon"></span>

    <!-- If we need pagination -->
    <div class="carousel-item-number">
        <!-- Number Of Current Slide -->
        <span class="carousel-item-single"></span>
        <!-- Divider -->
        <!-- Total Numbers Of Slides -->
        <span class="carousel-item-length"></span>


Bootstrap Version 4 - Basic HTML

After including CSS and JS files as we have already mentioned in above section. Use the following HTML mark-up in your project for basic slider.

<!-- Slider Wrapper -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-width="100%" data-height="auto">

    <!-- If we need indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators">
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" class="active"></li>
        <li data-target="#mySliderId"></li>
        <li data-target="#mySliderId"></li>

    <!-- Slides Wrapper -->
    <div class="carousel-inner">

        <!-- Slide 1 -->
        <div class="carousel-item active">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

        <!-- Slide 2 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

        <!-- Slide 3 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.


    <!-- Left Button -->
    <a href="#mySliderId" class="carousel-control-btn carousel-control-prev">
        <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon"></span>

    <!-- Right Button -->
    <a href="#mySliderId" class="carousel-control-btn carousel-control-next">
        <span class="carousel-control-next-icon"></span>

    <!-- If we need pagination -->
    <div class="carousel-item-number">
        <!-- Number Of Current Slide -->
        <span class="carousel-item-single"></span>
        <!-- Divider -->
        <!-- Total Numbers Of Slides -->
        <span class="carousel-item-length"></span>


Bootstrap Version 3 - Basic HTML

<!-- Slider Wrapper -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-width="100%" data-height="auto">

    <!-- If we need indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators">
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" class="active"></li>
        <li data-target="#mySliderId"></li>
        <li data-target="#mySliderId"></li>

    <!-- Slides Wrapper -->
    <div class="carousel-inner">

        <!-- Slide 1 -->
        <div class="item active">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

        <!-- Slide 2 -->
        <div class="item">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

        <!-- Slide 3 -->
        <div class="item">
            <!-- If we need background image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03" class="sz-bg-img" />
            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.


    <!-- Left Button -->
    <a href="#mySliderId" class="left carousel-control">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>

    <!-- Right Button -->
    <a href="#mySliderId" class="right carousel-control">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>

    <!-- If we need pagination -->
    <div class="carousel-item-number">
        <!-- Number Of Current Slide -->
        <span class="carousel-item-single"></span>
        <!-- Divider -->
        <!-- Total Numbers Of Slides -->
        <span class="carousel-item-length"></span>


Slider Types

Use data-type attribute to select slider type. Default value is : slider

1 - Single Item Slider

<!-- For Single Item -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-type="slider">

2 - Multiple Items Slider

<!-- For Multiple Items -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-type="carousel">

Slider Width

Use data-width attribute for slider width size. You can assign a value in length units like px, %, rem, vw etc. Default value is : 100%

1 - Set slider width by using data-width attribute

<!-- Using data-width -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-width="100%">

2 - Set slider width by using your own CSS file.

<!-- If you want to use this method then delete data-width attribute -->
#mySliderId.carousel {
  width: 100%;

Slider Height

Use data-height attribute for slider height size. You can assign a value in length units like px, %, rem, vh etc. Default value is : inherit

1 - Set slider height by using data-height attribute in units

<!-- Using data-height -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-height="500px">

2 - Set slider height according to window's height.

<!-- Assign "window" value to data-height attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-height="window">

3 - Set slider height according to images height (Auto Height). This attribute does not works in vertical sliders.

<!-- Assign "auto" value to data-height attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-height="auto">

4 - Set slider height by using your own CSS file.

<!-- If you want to use this method then delete data-height attribute
Also use !important to replace the default values -->
#mySliderId.carousel {
  height: 100% !important;

Image / Hero

Use data-background attribute to make an image slider or a hero slider. Default value is : hero

Also Use data-image attribute for images size. Default value is : cover

1 - Image Slider

<!-- Assign "image" value to data-background attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-background="image">

1st value is image width.
Add a white space then add 2nd value
2nd value is image height.
You can assign a value in length units like px, %, rem, vw, vh etc.
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-background="image" data-image="250px 300px">

2 - Hero Slider : This will use background-image css property to set background images.

<!-- Assign "hero" value to data-background attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-background="hero">

1st value is image width.
Add a white space then add 2nd value
2nd value is image height.
You can also use all background-size properties like auto, cover, contain, length or percentage.
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-background="hero" data-image="cover">

3 - Changing hero slider images other CSS properties like origin, position, repeat, attachment etc. by using your own CSS file.

<!-- Use !important to replace the default values -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner > .carousel-item {
  background-position: center !important;
  background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
  background-attachment: scroll !important;
  background-origin: padding-box !important;

Slides Animation

Use data-animation attribute for slides animation effects. Default value is : dragX

Drag slides left or right

<!-- Assign "dragX" value to data-animation attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragX">

Drag slides up or down

<!-- Assign "dragY" value to data-animation attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragY">

Swipe slides left or right.

<!-- Assign "swipeX" value to data-animation attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeX">

Swipe slides up or down.

<!-- Assign "swipeY" value to data-animation attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeY">

Swipe slides left or right. It will animate slides with a fade transition instead of a slide. This feature is available only in single item slider and not available in multiple items sliders.

<!-- Assign "fade" value to data-animation attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="fade">

Default value in data-animation attribute will disabled touch swipe or drag functions completely.

<!-- Assign "default" value to data-animation attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="default">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Drag slides left or right, it will centred the slides horizontally.

1 - Assign "dragCoverX" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCoverX" data-space="1.7">

Space Between Slides

Use data-space attribute to increase or decrease the area of left, right Or Up, down slides to show. This attribute accept a number only. Default value is : 1.35

<!-- Assign value to data-space attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCoverX" data-space="1.7">

If you want to create padding or space between slides then follow the instructions:

1 - Changing in html slides mark-up.

<!-- Slides Wrapper -->
<div class="carousel-inner">

    <!-- Slide 1 -->
    <div class="carousel-item active">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

    <!-- Slide 2 -->
    <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

    <!-- Slide 3 -->
    <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.


2 - Adding CSS for new child wrapper.

<!-- You can use value according to your requirements -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner > .carousel-item > .sz-wrapper {
  padding: 20px 20px;

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Drag slides up or down, it will centred the slides vertically.

1 - Assign "dragCoverY" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCoverY" data-space="1.7">

Space Between Slides

Use data-space attribute to increase or decrease the area of left, right Or Up, down slides to show. This attribute accept a number only. Default value is : 1.35

<!-- Assign value to data-space attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCoverY" data-space="1.7">

If you want to create padding or space between slides then follow the instructions:

1 - Changing in html slides mark-up.

<!-- Slides Wrapper -->
<div class="carousel-inner">

    <!-- Slide 1 -->
    <div class="carousel-item active">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

    <!-- Slide 2 -->
    <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

    <!-- Slide 3 -->
    <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.


2 - Adding CSS for new child wrapper.

<!-- You can use value according to your requirements -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner > .carousel-item > .sz-wrapper {
  padding: 20px 20px;

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Swipe slides left or right, it will centred the slides horizontally.

1 - Assign "swipeCoverX" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCoverX" data-space="1.7">

Space Between Slides

Use data-space attribute to increase or decrease the area of left, right Or Up, down slides to show. This attribute accept a number only. Default value is : 1.35

<!-- Assign value to data-space attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCoverX" data-space="1.7">

If you want to create padding or space between slides then follow the instructions:

1 - Changing in html slides mark-up.

<!-- Slides Wrapper -->
<div class="carousel-inner">

    <!-- Slide 1 -->
    <div class="carousel-item active">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

    <!-- Slide 2 -->
    <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

    <!-- Slide 3 -->
    <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.


2 - Adding CSS for new child wrapper.

<!-- You can use value according to your requirements -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner > .carousel-item > .sz-wrapper {
  padding: 20px 20px;

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Swipe slides up or down, it will centred the slides vertically.

1 - Assign "swipeCoverY" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCoverY" data-space="1.7">

Space Between Slides

Use data-space attribute to increase or decrease the area of left, right Or Up, down slides to show. This attribute accept a number only. Default value is : 1.35

<!-- Assign value to data-space attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCoverY" data-space="1.7">

If you want to create padding or space between slides then follow the instructions:

1 - Changing in html slides mark-up.

<!-- Slides Wrapper -->
<div class="carousel-inner">

    <!-- Slide 1 -->
    <div class="carousel-item active">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

    <!-- Slide 2 -->
    <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

    <!-- Slide 3 -->
    <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Create a child wrapper also -->
        <div class="sz-wrapper">
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.


2 - Adding CSS for new child wrapper.

<!-- You can use value according to your requirements -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner > .carousel-item > .sz-wrapper {
  padding: 20px 20px;

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Drag slides left or right, it will create cover flow of slides horizontally.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum scale values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive numeric values without any unit.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

1 - Assign "dragCover2X" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum scale
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum scale
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCover2X" data-space="1.7" data-cover-min="0.5" data-cover-max="1.2">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Drag slides up or down, it will create cover flow of slides vertically.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum scale values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive numeric values without any unit.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

1 - Assign "dragCover2Y" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum scale
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum scale
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCover2Y" data-space="2" data-cover-min="0.7" data-cover-max="1">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Swipe slides left or right, it will create cover flow of slides horizontally.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum scale values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive numeric values without any unit.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

1 - Assign "swipeCover2X" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum scale
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum scale
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCover2X" data-space="1.7" data-cover-min="0.5" data-cover-max="1.2">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Swipe slides up or down, it will create cover flow of slides vertically.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum scale values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive numeric values without any unit.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

1 - Assign "swipeCover2Y" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum scale
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum scale
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCover2Y" data-space="1.7" data-cover-min="0.5" data-cover-max="1.2">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Drag slides left or right, it will create cover flow of slides horizontally.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum Rotate values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive positive numeric values without any unit. These values are degree units.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

1 - Assign "dragCover3X" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum rotate
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum rotate
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCover3X" data-space="2" data-cover-min="45" data-cover-max="0">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Drag slides up or down, it will create cover flow of slides vertically.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum Rotate values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive positive numeric values without any unit. These values are degree units.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

1 - Assign "dragCover3Y" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum rotate
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum rotate
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCover3Y" data-space="2" data-cover-min="45" data-cover-max="0">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Swipe slides left or right, it will create cover flow of slides horizontally.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum Rotate values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive positive numeric values without any unit. These values are degree units.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

1 - Assign "swipeCover3X" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum rotate
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum rotate
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCover3X" data-space="2" data-cover-min="45" data-cover-max="0">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Swipe slides up or down, it will create cover flow of slides vertically.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum Rotate values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive positive numeric values without any unit. These values are degree units.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

1 - Assign "swipeCover3Y" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum rotate
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum rotate
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCover3Y" data-space="2" data-cover-min="45" data-cover-max="0">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Drag slides left or right, it will create cover flow of slides horizontally.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum flip values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive positive numeric values without any unit. These values are degree units.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

You can also set perspective values by using data-cover-perspective. This attribute receive positive numeric values without any unit.
Default value is : 0.

1 - Assign "dragCover4X" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum flip
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum flip
5 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-perspective" attribute for perspective
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCover4X" data-space="2" data-cover-min="45" data-cover-max="0" data-cover-perspective="400">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Drag slides up or down, it will create cover flow of slides vertically.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum flip values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive positive numeric values without any unit. These values are degree units.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

You can also set perspective values by using data-cover-perspective. This attribute receive positive numeric values without any unit.
Default value is : 0.

1 - Assign "dragCover4Y" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum flip
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum flip
5 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-perspective" attribute for perspective
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCover4Y" data-space="2" data-cover-min="45" data-cover-max="0" data-cover-perspective="400">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Swipe slides left or right, it will create cover flow of slides horizontally.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum flip values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive positive numeric values without any unit. These values are degree units.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

You can also set perspective values by using data-cover-perspective. This attribute receive positive numeric values without any unit.
Default value is : 0.

1 - Assign "swipeCover4X" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum flip
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum flip
5 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-perspective" attribute for perspective
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCover4X" data-space="2" data-cover-min="45" data-cover-max="0" data-cover-perspective="400">

This feature is available only in single item sliders and not available in multiple items sliders.

Swipe slides up or down, it will create cover flow of slides vertically.

You can also increase or decrease partial view of slides by using data-space attribute. It receive a number without any unit.
Default value is : 1.35

You can also set minimum or maximum flip values by using data-cover-min and data-cover-max attributes. These attributes receive positive numeric values without any unit. These values are degree units.
Default values are : 0.875 and 1 respectively.

You can also set perspective values by using data-cover-perspective. This attribute receive positive numeric values without any unit.
Default value is : 0.

1 - Assign "swipeCover4Y" value to "data-animation" attribute
2 - Assign numeric value to "data-space" attribute
3 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-min" attribute for minimum flip
4 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-max" attribute for maximum flip
5 - Assign numeric value to "data-cover-perspective" attribute for perspective
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="swipeCover4Y" data-space="2" data-cover-min="45" data-cover-max="0" data-cover-perspective="400">

This feature is available only in single item and horizontal sliders.

1 - Add dragCover2X or swipeCover2X value into data-animation attribute.

2 - Set the partial view by increasing or decreasing value into data-space attribute according to your requirements.

3 - Set the minimum scale value into data-cover-min attribute according to your requirements.

4 - Set the maximum scale value into data-cover-max attribute according to your requirements.

1 - We are using "dragCover2X" value into "data-animation" attribute
2 - We are using "4" value into "data-space" attribute
3 - We are using "0.8" value into "data-cover-min" attribute
4 - We are using "1" value into "data-cover-max" attribute
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCover2X" data-space="4" data-cover-min="0.8" data-cover-max="1">

This feature is available only in single item and horizontal sliders.

1 - Add dragCover2X or swipeCover2X value into data-animation attribute.

2 - Set the partial view by increasing or decreasing value into data-space attribute according to your requirements.

3 - Set the minimum scale value into data-cover-min attribute according to your requirements.

4 - Set the maximum scale value into data-cover-max attribute according to your requirements.

1 - We are using "dragCover2X" value into "data-animation" attribute
2 - We are using "4" value into "data-space" attribute
3 - We are using "1" value into "data-cover-min" attribute
4 - We are using "1.2" value into "data-cover-max" attribute
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragCover2X" data-space="4" data-cover-min="1" data-cover-max="1.2">

5 - To create overlapping effect we must write our own CSS.

5 - i - Set fixed height of carousel main wrapper.

<!-- Use !important to replace the default values -->
#mySliderId.carousel {
  height: 412px !important;

5 - ii - Set the height of items or slides wrapper manually. Also set the value of padding-top until where you found its OK.

<!-- Use !important to replace the default values -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner {
  height: 100% !important;
  padding-top: 35px !important;

5 - iii - Height of items or slides should be less than its wrapper.

<!-- Use !important to replace the default values -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner > .carousel-item {
  height: 90% !important;

5 - iv - Set the height and width of sz-wrapper.

<!-- Use !important to replace the default values -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner > .carousel-item .sz-wrapper {
  width: 100% !important;
  height: 100% !important;

5 - v - Set the height and width of images or use hero style.

<!-- Use !important to replace the default values -->
#mySliderId.carousel > .carousel-inner > .carousel-item .sz-wrapper > img {
  width: 100% !important;
  height: 100% !important;

This feature is available only in single item and horizontal sliders.

1 - Add "class" as a value into data-animation attribute.

Adding "class" value into "data-animation" attribute
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="class">

2 - Adding animation to show a slide: Add "data-slides-in" attribute to the slide. It has 3 values separated by colon " : "

     1st value of the attribute is animation class name.
     2nd value of the attribute is animation duration.
     3rd value of the attribute is animation timing function.


    <!-- Slides Wrapper -->
    <div class="carousel-inner">

        <!-- Slide 1 -->
        <div class="carousel-item active" data-slides-in="fdInTp:2000:animEasein">

            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 1 -->

        <!-- Slide 2 -->
        <div class="carousel-item" data-slides-in="sclInXRgt:1000:animEaseout">

            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 2 -->

        <!-- Slide 3 -->
        <div class="carousel-item" data-slides-in="sclInCntr:700:animEase">

            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 3 -->

    </div> <!-- End of Slides Wrapper -->

3 - Adding animation to hide a slide: Add "data-slides-out" attribute to the slide. It has 3 values separated by colon " : "

     1st value of the attribute is animation class name.
     2nd value of the attribute is animation duration.
     3rd value of the attribute is animation timing function.


    <!-- Slides Wrapper -->
    <div class="carousel-inner">

        <!-- Slide 1 -->
          class="carousel-item active"
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 1 data like image, text etc.

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 1 -->

        <!-- Slide 2 -->
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 2 data like image, text etc.

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 2 -->

        <!-- Slide 3 -->
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- All other elements will go here -->
            Slide 3 data like image, text etc.

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 3 -->

    </div> <!-- End of Slides Wrapper -->

For complete list of animation classes names please go to "Animating Elements" section and read the "Animation Effects Built-in Classes Names" part.

Slides Duration

Use data-duration attribute to increase or decrease transition duration of slides. You can assign a value in milliseconds only but without any unit. Default value is : 600

Slides Transition Duration

<!-- Assign value to data-duration attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-duration="300">

Slides Intervals

Use data-intervals attribute for slider cycle. Default value is : no

1 - If the value is no, slider will not automatically cycle.

<!-- Assign "no" value to data-intervals attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-intervals="no">

2 - i - If the value is yes, slider will automatically cycle. But you need further settings.

2 - ii - You must assign data-item-interval attribute to each slide separately. This attribute sets the amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item.

2 - iii - data-item-interval attribute receive a numeric value without any unit, but it sets value in milliseconds.

<!-- Assign "yes" value to data-intervals attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-intervals="yes">

<!-- Slides Wrapper -->
<div class="carousel-inner">
    <!-- Assign value to data-item-interval attribute -->
    <div class="carousel-item active" data-item-interval="2000">Slide 1 data like image, text etc.</div>
    <!-- Assign value to data-item-interval attribute -->
    <div class="carousel-item" data-item-interval="3000">Slide 2 data like image, text etc.</div>
    <!-- Assign value to data-item-interval attribute -->
    <div class="carousel-item" data-item-interval="4000">Slide 3 data like image, text etc.</div>

Slides Transition Timing Function

Use data-timing attribute for slides transition timing function. Default value is : ease

Slides Transition Timing Function

<!-- Assign value to data-timing attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-timing="easeinoutcubic">

Transition Timing Function Built-In List

linear ease easein easeout easeinout
easeinsine easeoutsine easeinoutsine easeinquad easeoutquad
easeinoutquad easeincubic easeoutcubic easeinoutcubic easeinquart
easeoutquart easeinoutquart easeinquint easeoutquint easeinoutquint
easeinexpo easeoutexpo easeinoutexpo easeincirc easeoutcirc
easeinoutcirc easeinback easeoutback easeinoutback speedy
slowspeedy easeoutincubic swing

Sticky Slider

Use data-sticky attribute to make slider sticky. Default value is : no

Only Works With Drag-able Animation

<!-- Assign value to data-sticky attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-sticky="yes">

Pause On Hover

Use data-pauses attribute to make slider pause on hover. Default value is : no

Slide cycle will stop on mouse over.

<!-- Assign value to data-pauses attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-pauses="yes">


Use data-start attribute to auto-play the carousel after the user manually cycles the 1st slide. Default value is : no

Slide cycle will start after user manually click navigations.

<!-- Assign value to data-start attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-start="yes">

Slides Cycle

Whether the carousel should cycle continuously or have hard stops at last slide. Use data-cycle attribute. Default value is : yes

Slide cycle will stop at the end.

<!-- Assign value to data-cycle attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-cycle="stop">

Mousewheel Control

Enables navigation through slides using mouse wheel. Use data-mouse attribute. Default value is : no

Navigate slides through mouse wheel.

<!-- Assign value to data-mouse attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-mouse="yes">

Keyboard Control

Enables navigation through slides using keyboard arrow keys. Default value is : no

In horizontal sliders left and right arrow keys work and in vertical sliders up and down arrow keys works. Use data-keyboards attribute.

<!-- Assign value to data-keyboards attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-keyboards="yes">


We have prepared some preloaders for slider. These preloaders will appears until whole window data like images not loaded completely. Default value is : circle

Use data-preloader attribute to attach a preloader. You can change background color and object color of preloader through this attribute.

data-preloader  = " {value-1}:{value-2}:{value-3} "

data-preloader  = " {type}:{object-color}:{background-color} "

types : circle (default) || dots || scale || box || bars "
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-preloader="circle:#1a73e8:#f8f9fa">

circle dots scale box bars


You can change slider cursor with the help of data-cursor attribute. Default value is : default

Use data-cursor attribute.

<!-- Assign value to data-cursor attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-cursor="default-1">

default default-1 move grab row-resize
col-resize crosshair e-resize n-resize pointer

Thumbnails / Indicators

If you want to create indicators or thumbnails then use the following HTML pattern.

For Indicators

    <!-- Indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators">
        <!-- Indicator 01 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" class="active"></li>
        <!-- Indicator 02 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId"></li>
        <!-- Indicator 03 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId"></li>

For Thumbnails also use sz-thumbnails class and images inside the li elements.

    <!-- Indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators sz-thumbnails">
        <!-- Thumbnail 01 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" class="active">
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01"/>
        <!-- Thumbnail 02 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId">
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02"/>
        <!-- Thumbnail 03 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId">
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03"/>

Direction : Type : Position

You can change direction, type and Position of indicators or thumbnails by using the following way.

1 - First of all select the direction of indicators or thumbnails by using data-ind-direction attribute. Default value is : x

If you want to make horizontal indicators or thumbnails then assign "x" as value
If you want to make vertical   indicators or thumbnails then assign "y" as value
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-ind-direction="x">

2 - Select the type of indicators or thumbnails by using data-ind-type attribute. Default value is : absolute

If you want to make separated indicators or thumbnails then assign "relative" as value
If you want to appear indicators or thumbnails on images then assign "absolute" as value
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-ind-direction="x" data-ind-type="absolute">

3 - At the end select the position of indicators or thumbnails by using data-ind-position attribute. Default value is : bottom

If you want to appear indicators or thumbnails top of the slider then assign "top" as value
If you want to appear indicators or thumbnails bottom of the slider then assign "bottom" as value
If you want to appear indicators or thumbnails left of the slider then assign "left" as value
If you want to appear indicators or thumbnails right of the slider then assign "right" as value
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-ind-direction="x" data-ind-type="absolute" data-ind-position="bottom">

How To Customize Or Create A New One?

You can customize or create new types of indicators or thumbnails for example.

1 - Changing the width, height, margin, padding etc. values of indicators or thumbnails wrapper according to your requirements.

<!-- You can use also other CSS properties -->
#mySliderId.carousel .carousel-indicators,
#mySliderId.carousel {
  width: 100%;
  height: 66px;
  padding: 2px;
  margin: 0 auto 5px auto;

2 - Changing the width, height, margin, padding etc. values of a single indicator or thumbnail according to your requirements.

<!-- You can use also other CSS properties -->
#mySliderId.carousel .carousel-indicators > li,
#mySliderId.carousel > li {
  width: 150px;
  height: auto;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0 3px;

3 - Changing the active indicator or thumbnail CSS properties according to your requirements.

<!-- You can use also other CSS properties -->
#mySliderId.carousel .carousel-indicators >,
#mySliderId.carousel > {
  border: 2px solid red;
  opacity: 1;

How To Centralize The Indicators Or Thumbnails

If you want to centralize the indicators or thumbnails then fixed the width of their wrapper almost equal to their children.

For example in below example we are centralizing the thumbnails at slider's bottom and center.

    <!-- Indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators sz-thumbnails" style="width:450px;margin:0 auto;">
        <!-- Thumbnail 01 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" class="active" style="width:150px;margin:0;">
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01"/>
        <!-- Thumbnail 02 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" style="width:150px;margin:0;">
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02"/>
        <!-- Thumbnail 03 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" style="width:150px;margin:0;">
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03"/>

You can see in above example wrapper width (450) is equal to total width (150 x 3 = 450) of three thumbnails. If you are also using margin, padding or border then it must be included in wrapper width.

Transition Duration Of Thumbnails And Indicators Sliding

You can drag or swipe thumbnails or indicators. These are also move when we change a slide. You can change transition duration of thumbnails and indicators sliding by assigning "data-ind-duration" attribute to ( carousel-indicators ) div. Default value is : 200

It receive a numeric value without any unit and set in milliseconds.

    <!-- Indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators" data-ind-duration="300">
        <!-- Indicator 01 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" class="active"></li>
        <!-- Indicator 02 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId"></li>
        <!-- Indicator 03 -->
        <li data-target="#mySliderId"></li>

Animating Elements

You can animate any element inside the carousel like images, text, buttons, icons, links etc. You can show or hide any element on-demand.

Slide will change after all animations completed related to that slide.

How To Create An Animated Element?

1 - First of all set "data-intervals" attribute value "yes" and as well as "data-start" attribute value "auto".

<!-- Assign "yes" value to "data-intervals" attribute -->
<!-- Assign "auto" value to "data-start" attribute -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-intervals="yes" data-start="auto">

2 - If you are using "data-item-interval" attributes with slides or items then remove all these attributes or set their values to "false".

<!-- Remove the "data-item-interval" attributes Or assign them value "false" -->
<div class="carousel-inner">
    <div class="carousel-item active" data-item-interval="false">Slide 1 data like image, text etc.</div>
    <div class="carousel-item" data-item-interval="false">Slide 2 data like image, text etc.</div>
    <div class="carousel-item" data-item-interval="false">Slide 3 data like image, text etc.</div>

3 - Now add sz-animated class to that particular element you intend to animate in the carousel.

4 - Adding animation to show an element: Add "data-animation-in" attribute to the element. It has 4 values separated by colon " : "

     1st value of the attribute is animation class name.
     2nd value of the attribute is animation duration.
     3rd value of the attribute is animation delay.
     4th value of the attribute is animation timing function.


    <!-- Slides Wrapper -->
    <div class="carousel-inner">

        <!-- Slide 1 -->
        <div class="carousel-item active">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01"/>

            <!-- Element start -->
            > Slide 1 Heading </h1> <!-- End of element -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 1 -->

        <!-- Slide 2 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02"/>

            <!-- Element start -->
            > Slide 2 Heading </h2> <!-- End of element -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 2 -->

        <!-- Slide 3 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03"/>

            <!-- Element start -->
            > Slide 3 Heading </p> <!-- End of element -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 3 -->

    </div> <!-- End of Slides Wrapper -->

5 - Adding animation to hide an element: Add "data-animation-out" attribute to the element. It has 4 values separated by colon " : "

     1st value of the attribute is animation class name.
     2nd value of the attribute is animation duration.
     3rd value of the attribute is animation delay.
     4th value of the attribute is animation timing function.


    <!-- Slides Wrapper -->
    <div class="carousel-inner">

        <!-- Slide 1 -->
        <div class="carousel-item active">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01"/>

            <!-- Element start -->
            > Slide 1 Heading </h1> <!-- End of element -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 1 -->

        <!-- Slide 2 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02"/>

            <!-- Element start -->
            > Slide 2 Heading </h2> <!-- End of element -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 2 -->

        <!-- Slide 3 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03"/>

            <!-- Element start -->
            > Slide 3 Heading </p> <!-- End of element -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 3 -->

    </div> <!-- End of Slides Wrapper -->

Animation Effects Built-in Classes Names

  • fdInTp inplay
  • fdOutTp outplay
  • fdInTr inplay
  • fdOutTr outplay
  • fdInRgt inplay
  • fdOutRgt outplay
  • fdInBr inplay
  • fdOutBr outplay
  • fdInBtm inplay
  • fdOutBtm outplay
  • fdInBl inplay
  • fdOutBl outplay
  • fdInLft inplay
  • fdOutLft outplay
  • fdInTl inplay
  • fdOutTl outplay
  • fdIn inplay
  • fdOut outplay
  • sldInTop inplay
  • sldOutTp outplay
  • sldInTr inplay
  • sldOutTr outplay
  • sldInRight inplay
  • sldOutRgt outplay
  • sldInBr inplay
  • sldOutBr outplay
  • sldInBottom inplay
  • sldOutBtm outplay
  • sldInBl inplay
  • sldOutBl outplay
  • sldInLeft inplay
  • sldOutLft outplay
  • sldInTl inplay
  • sldOutTl outplay
  • sldInElptTpF inplay
  • sldOutElptTpF outplay
  • sldInElptTpB inplay
  • sldOutElptTpB outplay
  • sldInElptRgtF inplay
  • sldOutElptRgtF outplay
  • sldInElptRgtB inplay
  • sldOutElptRgtB outplay
  • sldInElptBtmF inplay
  • sldOutElptBtmF outplay
  • sldInElptBtmB inplay
  • sldOutElptBtmB outplay
  • sldInElptLftF inplay
  • sldOutElptLftF outplay
  • sldInElptLftB inplay
  • sldOutElptLftB outplay
  • sclInCntr inplay
  • sclOutCntr outplay
  • sclInTp inplay
  • sclOutTp outplay
  • sclInTr inplay
  • sclOutTr outplay
  • sclInTl inplay
  • sclOutTl outplay
  • sclInRgt inplay
  • sclOutRgt outplay
  • sclInBr inplay
  • sclOutBr outplay
  • sclInBtm inplay
  • sclOutBtm outplay
  • sclInBl inplay
  • sclOutBl outplay
  • sclInLft inplay
  • sclOutLft outplay
  • sclInX inplay
  • sclOutX outplay
  • sclInXLft inplay
  • sclOutXLft outplay
  • sclInXRgt inplay
  • sclOutXRgt outplay
  • sclInY inplay
  • sclOutY outplay
  • sclInYTp inplay
  • sclOutYTp outplay
  • sclInYBtm inplay
  • sclOutYBtm outplay
  • rotSclUp noplay
  • rotSclDwn noplay
  • rotSclUpX noplay
  • rotSclDwnX noplay
  • rotSclUpY noplay
  • rotSclDwnY noplay
  • rotSclUpDgnlLft noplay
  • rotSclDwnDgnlLft noplay
  • rotSclUpDgnlRgt noplay
  • rotSclDwnDgnlRgt noplay
  • rotInCntr inplay
  • rotOutCntr outplay
  • rotInTp inplay
  • rotOutTp outplay
  • rotInTr inplay
  • rotOutTr outplay
  • rotInRgt inplay
  • rotOutRgt outplay
  • rotInBr inplay
  • rotOutBr outplay
  • rotInBtm inplay
  • rotOutBtm outplay
  • rotInBl inplay
  • rotOutBl outplay
  • rotInLft inplay
  • rotOutLft outplay
  • rotInTl inplay
  • rotOutTl outplay
  • rotInX inplay
  • rotOutX outplay
  • rotInY inplay
  • rotOutY outplay
  • rotInRgtDgnl inplay
  • rotOutDgnlLft outplay
  • rotInLftDgnl inplay
  • rotOutDgnlRgt outplay
  • rotInCw inplay
  • rotOutCw outplay
  • rotInCcw inplay
  • rotOutCcw outplay
  • rotInTrCw inplay
  • rotOutTrCw outplay
  • rotInTrCcw inplay
  • rotOutTrCcw outplay
  • rotInBrCw inplay
  • rotOutBrCw outplay
  • rotInBrCcw inplay
  • rotOutBrCcw outplay
  • rotInBlCw inplay
  • rotOutBlCw outplay
  • rotInBlCcw inplay
  • rotOutBlCcw outplay
  • rotInTlCw inplay
  • rotOutTlCw outplay
  • rotInTlCcw inplay
  • rotOutTlCcw outplay
  • rotCntr noplay
  • rotTp noplay
  • rotLft noplay
  • rotYCntr noplay
  • rotYLft noplay
  • rotYRgt noplay
  • rotTr noplay
  • rotRgt noplay
  • rotDgnlLft noplay
  • rotXCntr noplay
  • rotBr noplay
  • rotXTp noplay
  • rotBtm noplay
  • rotXBtm noplay
  • rotDgnlTr noplay
  • rotDgnlRgt noplay
  • rotDgnlTl noplay
  • rotBl noplay
  • rotDgnlBr noplay
  • rotDgnlBl noplay
  • rotTl noplay
  • boncInTp inplay
  • boncOutTp outplay
  • boncInRgt inplay
  • boncOutRgt outplay
  • boncInBtm inplay
  • boncOutBtm outplay
  • boncInLft inplay
  • boncOutLft outplay
  • boncInFwd inplay
  • boncInBck inplay
  • boncOutBck outplay
  • boncTp inplay
  • boncBtm outplay
  • boncLft inplay
  • boncRgt outplay
  • rolInLft inplay
  • rolOutLft outplay
  • rolInRgt inplay
  • rolOutRgt outplay
  • rolInTp inplay
  • rolOutTp outplay
  • rolInBtm inplay
  • rolOutBtm outplay
  • tltInTpLft inplay
  • tltInTpRgt inplay
  • tltInTr inplay
  • tltInRgt inplay
  • tltInRgts inplay
  • tltInBr inplay
  • tltInBtmLft inplay
  • tltInBtmRgt inplay
  • tltInBl inplay
  • tltInLft inplay
  • tltInLfts inplay
  • tltInTl inplay
  • flpInXBtm inplay
  • flpOutXBtm outplay
  • flpInXTp inplay
  • flpOutXTp outplay
  • flpInYRgt inplay
  • flpOutYRgt outplay
  • flpInYLft inplay
  • flpOutYLft outplay
  • flpInDgnlTr inplay
  • flpOutDgnlTr outplay
  • flpInDgnlBl inplay
  • flpOutDgnlBl outplay
  • flpInDgnlTl inplay
  • flpOutDgnlTl outplay
  • flpInDgnlBr inplay
  • flpOutDgnlBr outplay
  • sldInBlrTp inplay
  • sldOutBlrTp outplay
  • sldInBlrTr inplay
  • sldOutBlrTr outplay
  • sldInBlrRgt inplay
  • sldOutBlrRgt outplay
  • sldInBlrBr inplay
  • sldOutBlrBr outplay
  • sldInBlrBtm inplay
  • sldOutBlrBtm outplay
  • sldInBlrBl inplay
  • sldOutBlrBl outplay
  • sldInBlrLft inplay
  • sldOutBlrLft outplay
  • sldInBlrTl inplay
  • sldOutBlrTl outplay
  • rolInBlrLft inplay
  • rolOutBlrLft outplay
  • rolInBlrTp inplay
  • rolOutBlrTp outplay
  • rolInBlrRgt inplay
  • rolOutBlrRgt outplay
  • rolInBlrBtm inplay
  • rolOutBlrBtm outplay
  • txtFxIn inplay
  • txtBlrOut outplay
  • fxInCntrct inplay
  • blrOutCntrct outplay
  • fxInCntrctB inplay
  • blrOutCntrctB outplay
  • fxInXpnd inplay
  • blrOutXpnd outplay
  • fxInXpndF inplay
  • blrOutXpndF outplay
  • pufInCntr inplay
  • pufOutCntr outplay
  • pufInTp inplay
  • pufOutTp outplay
  • pufInTr inplay
  • pufOutTr outplay
  • pufInRgt inplay
  • pufOutRgt outplay
  • pufInBr inplay
  • pufOutBr outplay
  • pufInBtm inplay
  • pufOutBtm outplay
  • pufInBl inplay
  • pufOutBl outplay
  • pufInLft inplay
  • pufOutLft outplay
  • pufInTl inplay
  • pufOutTl outplay
  • pufInX inplay
  • pufOutX outplay
  • pufInY inplay
  • pufOutY outplay
  • sltInY inplay
  • sltOutY outplay
  • sltInX inplay
  • sltOutX outplay
  • sltInDgnlLft inplay
  • sltOutDgnlLft outplay
  • sltInDgnlRgt inplay
  • sltOutDgnlRgt outplay
  • trkInXpnd inplay
  • trkOutXpnd outplay
  • trkInCntrct inplay
  • trkOutCntrct outplay
  • swInF inplay
  • swOutFwd outplay
  • swInB inplay
  • swOutBck outplay
  • swInTpF inplay
  • swOutTpF outplay
  • swInTpB inplay
  • swOutTpB outplay
  • swInTrF inplay
  • swOutTrF outplay
  • swInTrB inplay
  • swOutTrB outplay
  • swInRgtF inplay
  • swOutRgtF outplay
  • swInRgtB inplay
  • swOutRgtB outplay
  • swInBrF inplay
  • swOutBrF outplay
  • swInBrB inplay
  • swOutBrB outplay
  • swInBtmF inplay
  • swOutBtmF outplay
  • swInBtmB inplay
  • swOutBtmB outplay
  • swInBlF inplay
  • swOutBlF outplay
  • swInBlB inplay
  • swOutBlB outplay
  • swInLftF inplay
  • swOutLftF outplay
  • swInLftB inplay
  • swOutLftB outplay
  • swInTlB inplay
  • swOutTlB outplay
  • swInTlF inplay
  • vbrtSlo noplay
  • vbrtFst noplay
  • shkX noplay
  • shkY noplay
  • shkLr noplay
  • shkTp noplay
  • shkTr noplay
  • shkRgt noplay
  • shkBr noplay
  • shkBtm noplay
  • shkBl noplay
  • shkLft noplay
  • shkTl noplay
  • jloX noplay
  • jloY noplay
  • jloDgnlLft noplay
  • jloDgnlRgt noplay
  • wblXBtm noplay
  • wblXTp noplay
  • wblYLft noplay
  • wblYRgt noplay
  • hrtBt noplay
  • plsBck noplay
  • ping noplay
  • plsFwd noplay
  • blnkSl noplay
  • blnkFs noplay
  • boInUp inplay
  • boOutDwn outplay
  • twstInDwn inplay
  • twstInUp inplay
  • folshIn inplay
  • folshOut outplay
  • holeOut outplay
  • prspDwn outplay
  • prspDwnR inplay
  • prspLft outplay
  • prspLftR inplay
  • prspRgt outplay
  • prspRgtR inplay
  • prspUp outplay
  • prspUpR inplay
  • rotDwn outplay
  • rotLf outplay
  • rotRt outplay
  • rotUp outplay

Animation Timing Function Built-In List

animLinear animEase animEasein animEaseout animEaseinout
animEaseinsine animEaseoutsine animEaseinoutsine animEaseinquad animEaseoutquad
animEaseinoutquad animEaseincubic animEaseoutcubic animEaseinoutcubic animEaseinquart
animEaseoutquart animEaseinoutquart animEaseinquint animEaseoutquint animEaseinoutquint
animEaseinexpo animEaseoutexpo animEaseinoutexpo animEaseincirc animEaseoutcirc
animEaseinoutcirc animEaseinback animEaseoutback animEaseinoutback animSpeedy
animSlowspeedy animEaseoutincubic animSwing

Some fantastic animation libraries list :

Multiple Items Or Slides Carousel

1 - First of all set "data-type" attribute value "carousel".

2 - Add "data-move" attribute to move slides. If you want to move one by one slides then assign value "1". But if you want to move all slides those are showing at once then assign value "all".

3 - You can also use data-free-mode="true" attribute to to make free-mode carousel.

<!-- Assign "carousel" value to "data-type" attribute -->
<!-- Assign "1" value to "data-move" attribute -->
<!-- Assign "true" value to "data-free-mode" attribute Or just remove it -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-type="carousel" data-move="1">

@media (min-width:1201px)

- How many slides or items you want to show on screens with minimum width 1201px.

- Add "data-items" attribute. This attribute receive a numeric value. Default value is : "5"

- If you want to hide carousel on screens with minimum width 1201px then set "data-items" attribute value to "0".

1 - "data-items" will show 5 slides on screens with minimum width 1201px 
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider"



@media (min-width:993px) and (max-width:1200px)

- How many slides or items you want to show on screens with minimum 993px and maximum 1200px width.

- Add "data-xlscreen" attribute. This attribute receive a numeric value. Default value is : "4"

- If you want to hide carousel on screens with minimum 993px and maximum 1200px width then set "data-xlscreen" attribute value to "0".

1 - "data-items" will show 5 slides on screens with minimum width 1201px 
2 - "data-xlscreen" will show 4 slides on screens with minimum 993px and maximum 1200px width

<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider"



@media (min-width:769px) and (max-width:992px)

- How many slides or items you want to show on screens with minimum 769px and maximum 992px width.

- Add "data-lgscreen" attribute. This attribute receive a numeric value. Default value is : "3"

- If you want to hide carousel on screens with minimum 769px and maximum 992px width then set "data-lgscreen" attribute value to "0".

1 - "data-items" will show 5 slides on screens with minimum width 1201px 
2 - "data-xlscreen" will show 4 slides on screens with minimum 993px and maximum 1200px width
3 - "data-lgscreen" will show 3 slides on screens with minimum 769px and maximum 992px width

<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider"



@media (min-width:576px) and (max-width:768px)

- How many slides or items you want to show on screens with minimum 576px and maximum 768px width.

- Add "data-mdscreen" attribute. This attribute receive a numeric value. Default value is : "2"

- If you want to hide carousel on screens with minimum 576px and maximum 768px width then set "data-mdscreen" attribute value to "0".

1 - "data-items" will show 5 slides on screens with minimum width 1201px 
2 - "data-xlscreen" will show 4 slides on screens with minimum 993px and maximum 1200px width
3 - "data-lgscreen" will show 3 slides on screens with minimum 769px and maximum 992px width
4 - "data-mdscreen" will show 2 slides on screens with minimum 576px and maximum 768px width

<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider"



@media (max-width:575px)

- How many slides or items you want to show on screens with maximum 575px width.

- Add "data-smscreen" attribute. This attribute receive a numeric value. Default value is : "1"

- If you want to hide carousel on screens with maximum 575px width then set "data-smscreen" attribute value to "0".

1 - "data-items" will show 5 slides on screens with minimum width 1201px 
2 - "data-xlscreen" will show 4 slides on screens with minimum 993px and maximum 1200px width
3 - "data-lgscreen" will show 3 slides on screens with minimum 769px and maximum 992px width
4 - "data-mdscreen" will show 2 slides on screens with minimum 576px and maximum 768px width
5 - "data-smscreen" will show 1 slides on screens with maximum 575px width

<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider"



Videos Sliders And Carousels

HTML5 Video - Self-hosted : If you are using HTML5 video tag for self-hosted videos then use sz-video class to stop it on slide change.

<!-- Video -->
<video class="sz-video">
    <source src="your/video/path/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

AutoPlay : If you want to make auto-play videos then remember you must use playsinline, autoplay and muted attributes with all videos.

<!-- Video 1 -->
<video class="sz-video" playsinline muted autoplay>
    <source src="your/video/path/video-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">

<!-- Video 2 -->
<video class="sz-video" playsinline muted autoplay>
    <source src="your/video/path/video-2.mp4" type="video/mp4">

Play And Mute Buttons : If you want to show play or pause and muted and unmuted buttons then use the following HTML mark-up just after the video tags.

<!-- Video -->
<video class="sz-video" playsinline muted autoplay>
    <source src="your/video/path/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

<!-- Play & Pause Button -->
<button type="button" class="sz-media-btn sz-pause-btn"></button>

<!-- Mute & UnMute Button -->
<button type="button" class="sz-speaker-btn sz-mute-btnn"></button>

YouTube, Vimeo Videos : If you are using iframe to embed YouTube or Vimeo videos then use sz-iframe class to stop it on slide change. Remember you can't drag or swipe an iframe video.

<iframe class="sz-iframe" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Fraction Pagination

If you want to show active slide number and total length of slides then use the following HTML code. Add this code inside main slider div and after all others elements or just after navigation buttons.

    <!-- If we need pagination -->
    <div class="carousel-item-number">
        <!-- Number Of Current Slide -->
        <span class="carousel-item-single"></span>
        <!-- Divider -->
        <!-- Total Numbers Of Slides -->
        <span class="carousel-item-length"></span>

Loading Bar

You can show loading bars for slides by using data-progress attribute.
Default value is : false

We are using "true" value into "data-progress" attribute
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-animation="dragX" data-progress="true" data-intervals="yes" data-start="auto">

When data-progress attribute value set to true then it append dynamically the following HTML code in each slide.

    <!-- Slides Wrapper -->
    <div class="carousel-inner">

        <!-- Slide 1 -->
        <div class="carousel-item active">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/01.png" alt="image 01" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- Loading bar -->
            <div class="sz-slide-bar-wrap">
                <!-- Animated Part -->
                <div class="sz-slide-bar"></div>
            </div> <!-- End of loading bar -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 1 -->

        <!-- Slide 2 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/02.png" alt="image 02" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- Loading bar -->
            <div class="sz-slide-bar-wrap">
                <!-- Animated Part -->
                <div class="sz-slide-bar"></div>
            </div> <!-- End of loading bar -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 2 -->

        <!-- Slide 3 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">

            <!-- Background Image -->
            <img src="your/image/url/03.png" alt="image 03" class="sz-bg-img" />

            <!-- Loading bar -->
            <div class="sz-slide-bar-wrap">
                <!-- Animated Part -->
                <div class="sz-slide-bar"></div>
            </div> <!-- End of loading bar -->

        </div> <!-- End of Slide 3 -->

    </div> <!-- End of Slides Wrapper -->

You can change CSS also.

<!-- For Loading Bar Wrapper -->
#mySliderId.carousel .sz-slide-bar-wrap {
  top: 0;
  bottom: auto;
  width: 100%;
  height: 5px;
  background: #717375;
<!-- For Animated Part -->
#mySliderId.carousel .sz-slide-bar-wrap > .sz-slide-bar {
  background: #1a73e8;

Loading Indicators

You can convert indicators into loading bars by using sz-ind-animated class with .carousel-indicators class, and span inside the li elements.

    <!-- Use span inside li -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators sz-ind-animated">
        <li data-target="#mySliderId" class="active">
        <li data-target="#mySliderId">
        <li data-target="#mySliderId">

You can change CSS also.

#mySliderId.carousel  > > li > span {
  background: #1a73e8;

Left And Right Navigation Buttons - Thumbnails

You can show Thumbnails for left and right navigation buttons by using data-nav-image attribute.

Default value is : hidden

1 - If you will set "hidden" as a value in "data-nav-image" attribute then thumbnails will show only on hover

2 - If you will set "show" as a value in "data-nav-image" attribute then thumbnails will always be visible
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider" data-nav-image="hidden">

You can change CSS also.

<!-- Left Navigation Button Thumbnail -->
#mySliderId.carousel .carousel-control-prev-image {
  top: 250px;
  width: 200px;
  height: 98px;
  border: 2px solid red;
  background-size: cover;
<!-- Right Navigation Button Thumbnail -->
#mySliderId.carousel .carousel-control-next-image {
  top: 250px;
  width: 200px;
  height: 98px;
  border: 2px solid red;
  background-size: cover;

Change animation effects and duration.

<!-- Left Navigation Button Thumbnail -->
#mySliderId.carousel .carousel-control-prev-image {
  animation-name: fadeInLeft;
  -webkit-animation-name: fadeInLeft;
  animation-duration: 0.3s;
  -webkit-animation-duration: 0.3s;
<!-- Right Navigation Button Thumbnail -->
#mySliderId.carousel .carousel-control-next-image {
  animation-name: fadeInRight;
  -webkit-animation-name: fadeInRight;
  animation-duration: 0.3s;
  -webkit-animation-duration: 0.3s;

Animation Effects Names.

bounceIn bounceInDown bounceInLeft bounceInRight bounceInUp
fadeIn fadeInDown fadeInDownBig fadeInLeft fadeInLeftBig
fadeInRight fadeInRightBig fadeInUp fadeInUpBig rollIn
flip flipInX flipInY lightSpeedIn jackInTheBox
rotateIn rotateInDownLeft rotateInDownRight rotateInUpLeft rotateInUpRight
slideInUp slideInDown slideInLeft slideInRight rubberBand
zoomIn zoomInDown zoomInLeft zoomInRight zoomInUp
hinge bounce flash pulse shake
swing tada wobble jello heartBeat

Parallax Background Effect

Use bg-parallax class to make background parallax effect and assign background image through CSS.

<!-- For Parallax Background Effect -->
<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider bg-parallax" data-type="slider" style="background: #3b56ca url(your/image/path) top left/cover no-repeat;">

Scroll Down Button

If you want to show scroll down button then use the following HTML code. Add this code inside main slider div and after all others elements or just after navigation buttons.

    <!-- If we need scroll down button -->
    <div class="carousel-scroll-down">
        <!-- All elements like text or icons will go here -->

Touch Functions

You can change the following touch functions by using their attributes and values:

Attribute Name
Default Value Type Description
fingers 1 int If the requirements are not met, the swipe handler will not be able to trigger. You can determine the number of fingers to swipe.
threshold 75 int You would have to determine the number of pixels for the swipe to trigger. For example if you have determined the pixels at 75 but the user moves its finger at 50 pixels the swipe will not function.
cancelThreshold null int If the user wants to cancel the gesture, then it needs to swipe back the same pixels which has already been determined.
pinchThreshold 20 int To consider a pinch, the number of pixels must be pinched by the finger.
maxTimeThreshold null int For considering a swipe the touchEND and touchStart must not be exceeded and the time will be milliseconds.
fingerReleaseThreshold 250 int If the two fingers are released one after another it will be considered as simultaneous release.
longTapThreshold 500 int To release a long tap the time will be in milliseconds between the release and tap.
doubleTapThreshold 200 int For a double tap the time of two taps will be set out in milliseconds.
triggerOnTouchEnd true boolean When the user releases the finger it is considered as an event and it gets triggered with the touch. The touch event will automatically be cancelled after reaching the threshold after getting triggered.
triggerOnTouchLeave true boolean If true, the swipe will end and trigger appropriate handlers. It will happen when the user leaves the swipe object.
allowPageScroll auto string How the page scroll is handled by the browser, when the user swipes an object, which is touchswipe.

"auto" : An object which is not defined as a swipe will make the page to scroll in any direction.
"none" : It will not let the page to scroll, when the user swipes.
"horizontal" : It will force the page to scroll horizontally.
"vertical" : the page will scroll vertically to swipe.
fallbackToMouseEvents true boolean If true, The mouse events will run on non touch devices, if it is considered false, the swipes will not be triggered by mouse events on the touch swipes.
preventDefaultEvents true boolean The page doesn’t move if the default events are cancelled. You can customize it by disabling the native events fire and the handlers as well.
excludedElements .noSwipe string The swipes do not trigger when the child element is specified by the jquery selector. It is excluded on default basis by using the class .noSwipe.

<!-- You can change the following touch functions by using their attributes and values -->

<div id="mySliderId" class="carousel sz-slider"

