WooCommerce Point bonus packs

Audio portal is the ultimate portal functionality plugin for WordPress. It comes as a addon to the already powerful ZoomSounds and adds support of anything that makes a good portal - playlists, rating functionality, like functionality, playlists, display modes.

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How does it work ?

purchase point pack

Users purchase a point pack

Users can purchase a point pack that they choose to be fitting. Various offers of point packs can be put on site by the woocommerce shop vendor.

purchase items with points

Browse the Catalog for items

Eligible items can be purchased from the available points. Eligible categories can be set by the shop vendor.

Any WooCommerce theme

Points System DZS is compatible with any woocommerce theme. The pay by points option will appear in the Cart page.

All or a limited set of points can be used for each order.


Frontend Dashboard

Your users can always see their point spending habits and history via the frontend dashboard.

points dashboard

Complete control

Admins can assign bonus points, have a complete audit and history of anything point related throughout the site.

And more...

  • Buddypress integration
  • Remaining Points shortcode
  • Complete audit.
  • User management system.
  • Downloadable purchases shortcode.

Easy Install

Install ZoomSounds Portal in just a couple of minutes. Docs are also there.


From mobile to HD, ZoomSounds Portal are ultra responsive.


Customize ZoomSounds Portal with the many options included.

SEO Friendly

Built with SEO in mind, Point system parses html content into working magic.