Youtube and Vimeo Gallery Portfolio is grid / wall style gallery with lots of adjustable features. It can display videos from Youtube Playlist, Channel or a Keyword search and Vimeo Album, Channel, Group or a Keyword search. Grids can be customized and styled in many ways. You can define rows, columns and gutters for each grid. Video data including thumbnails, description and video statistics is automatically created.

All DEMO examples included in the download package for easy setup.

Features and options:

  • Grid customization breakpoints (columns, rows, spacing)
  • Responsive layouts
  • Multiple galleries in the same page
  • Optional playlist selector loads new gallery on runtime
  • Search through video grid
  • Video statistics (likes, views, comments) is automatically updated on Youtube and Vimeo websites.
  • Playlist is stored in browser to limit API requests for Youtube and Vimeo
  • Supported content sources:
    • Youtube content:
      • Playlist
      • Channel / Username
      • Video query (search videos by keyword)
    • Vimeo content:
      • User album
      • Group
      • Channel
      • Video query (search videos by keyword)
  • Display Video lightbox, inline, link, none
  • Playlist transition (scroll, alpha)
  • Playlist direction (vertical, horizontal)
  • Playlist navigation (bullets, numbers, arrows)
  • Social sharing (facebook, twitter, tumblr...)
  • load new grid on runtime with API methods