A Complete E-Commerce Mobile Application powered by Backend CMS

A Complete E-Commerce Mobile Application with Material Backend CMS

Created on : 4-Sep-2017
By: The Code Factory
Email: rupen@techintegrity.in
Skype : rupenm (Bangalore)
What's App : +91-8866045386
Cell : +91-8780784484

We at TheCodeFactory ( A Product division of Tech Integrity Services ) believes in delivering benchmarking cutting edge solution’s which are scalable with large audience and easy to understand and can save 1000's of your devlopers hour's.
A Very Detail explanation is available here with video as well.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Complete Data Flow Diagram
  3. Database design's
  4. Features
  5. How to set up and configure server side
  6. How to setup and Configure X-Code project - iOS Code

A) Overview - top

A Complete E-Commerce Application build with Native iOS is for sale with 100% source code. This app is one stop go for your E-Commerce business. Below are some of the highlights of the app.

This are sample product data entry just to show case that this app is designed to fit for any industry

B) Complete Data Flow Diagram - top

Picture speak's better then text :)

C) Database Design's - top

Entire Database design with primary and foreign key representation.

D) Features - top

Below are some of the great features of the app.

Features included in iOS App
  1. Implement with Native iOS with Material Design and Autolayouted XIB's.
  2. Stylish interface, cool animation between between views and awesome transition to match top notch international quality.
  3. Beautiful sliding Menu for easy user experience.
  4. Cool splash screen with text slider's
  5. Stylish Home page design to match top charts app with below features.
    • Top rotating featured product's image's and link to product categories/sub-category.
    • Listing Top new category in cool table view.
    • Sliding between featured categories from home page.
  6. Support n-level category and subcategories.
  7. Listing product's in gridview. Infinite product listing with scroll to load more products and pull to refresh product's.
  8. Dynamic filters for brands, categories, tags, colour and price ( If fiter's available for that category ) .
  9. Sorting product's on the basis of What's New , Popularity , Price : Low to High , Price : High to low .
  10. Beautiful animation on "Add to Cart ".
  11. Product Description page - Neat Design with support for dynamic attributes and values, multiple product image with option to zoom on click, option to add that product to wishlist and much more.
  12. Option to add any product to wishlist ( change to favourite as per your need).
  13. Shopping Cart with option to add quantity, remove products.
  14. Order History - Display's all order which are made so far from that user account's.
  15. Order Listing - On click of Order history it show list of items which were added in that particular product with size and quanity selected.
  16. Checkout screen.
  17. Manage address / Add address support.
  18. Suport normal login and login with facebook.
  19. To match apple UI Guidelines we have given an option for "Sign in with Guest" and we can ask user to login only if he press checkout.
  20. Dynamically managable content screen from backend CMS.
Features included in Backend CMS
  1. Stylish Angular 2.0 & Bootstrap Based CMS , Support & easy to install latest Php 7.0. Coded with codeignitor MVC framework.
  2. A Very Unique Dashboard to show Number of user's, categories, order's, products's ,statics of users every month, product pruchase every month and much more.
  3. Support Tree View for Managing N-Level Categories and Subcategories.
  4. Support Customize Product's ( like Jellwery , Customized Gift etc.. ) and Normal product's.
  5. Option to add products under multiple categories.
  6. Manage Order screen.
    • Display all order and on click of that it opens detail page which is called order listing.
    • Order listing show all orders which were in the cart for that transaction. It shows the customized order details as well along with images and text.
    • Support tax and currency as well.
  7. Support Managing Home page banner from CMS ( With details description ).
  8. Option to set any currency from CMS.
  9. Option to make product taxable with fix amount and percentage.
  10. Options to add Reviews / Testimonials from Backend.
  11. Managable content pages like FAQ, Terms and condition, Privacy policy.
  12. Manage Product page - Product can be created with various attributes on the fly with option to add brands, size, colour, available stocks, tags, and categories.
  13. Support product stocks for each size,colour and quantity.
  14. Support Managable Brands, N-Level categories, Managable stocks, Managable colours and Tag's.
  15. Dynamically managable content screen from backend CMS.

E) How to set up and configure server side . - top

A Brief about the CMS & API Code
That's It. You can now open the dashboard from your cloud's ip-address and user name and password to login are
username : admin
password : admin

F) How to setup and Configure X-Code project - iOS Code . - top

A Brief about the iOS Code

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist.

Rupen Makhecha

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